Universitas Sunan Giri Surabaya

Entrepreneur University - unsuri.ac.id

Repository Unsuri Surabaya

Unsuri Repository is a digital service for preservation and distribution scholary research on digital material format. It facilitate the academicians to preserve and share their scientific publication. This Repository also an interoperable system that is hosted and managed by the University Library.

Browse by Author : Dr. Dwi Astutiek, S.Ag., M.Si

Date Title
17-03-2023 SIMILARITY-Sampang Community Empowerment in Human Capital Theory
17-03-2023 SIMILARITY-Innovational Model For Corperation Membership Development Through Human Resources Development
17-03-2023 SIMILARITY-The Overview Of Child Development During the Covid-19 pandemic
17-03-2023 MONOGRAF-Menengok Tumbuh Kembang Anak Saat Pandemi Covid-19
17-03-2023 MONOGRAF-Mencermati Stunting di Jawa Timur Antara Penyebab dan Solusi
17-03-2023 BUKU-Menengok Tumbuh Kembang Anak Saat Pandemi Covid-19