Universitas Sunan Giri Surabaya

Entrepreneur University - unsuri.ac.id

Repository Unsuri Surabaya

Unsuri Repository is a digital service for preservation and distribution scholary research on digital material format. It facilitate the academicians to preserve and share their scientific publication. This Repository also an interoperable system that is hosted and managed by the University Library.

Browse by Author : Judiono, S.T., M.T

Date Title
02-06-2023 SIMILARITY-Analysis of Road Improvement (Overlay) on Road Damage on the West Silver Dorang Fish Road Section Surabaya (STA0+000-STA0+470)
02-06-2023 SIMILARITY-Usage Comparative Analysis Study Asphalt Pen 60/70 with Asphalt Retona Blend 55 on Hot Asphalt Mixing with Mixing Material Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
02-06-2023 SIMILARITY-Planning for Repairing Rigid Cracks on Toll Roads Using the Epoxy Injection Method on the Pasuruan Toll Road Section Km 769 + 950 - Km 800 + 300
02-06-2023 SIMILARITY-Analysis of Road Damage Using the Surface Distress Index (Sdi) Method on the Gresik-Surabaya Road Section KM. 4+900 TO KM. 7+700